process-oriented - definition. What is process-oriented
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%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

Process-oriented programming         
Process-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that separates the concerns of data structures and the concurrent processes that act upon them. The data structures in this case are typically persistent, complex, and large scale - the subject of general purpose applications, as opposed to specialized processing of specialized data sets seen in high productivity applications (HPC).
Latency oriented processor architecture         
Draft:Latency oriented processor architectures
Latency oriented processor architecture is the microarchitecture of a microprocessor designed to serve a serial computing thread with a low latency. This is typical of most central processing units (CPU) being developed since the 1970s.
  • C]] (black) competed for the top position.
Object-oriented; Object-oriented language; Object oriented; Object-oriented (programming); Object oriented programming; Object oriented language; Object orientated programming; Object-orientated programming; Object-oriented computer programming; Object-oriented languages; Object-Oriented Programming; Object-oriented SQL; Object-Oriented programming; Checking type instead of membership; Object system; Object Orientated; Object-oriented technology; Object orientated; Object Oriented; OOPL; Objected-oriented programming language; Object technology; Object oriented programming language; Object orentation; Object-oriented code; Obect-oriented programming; Object-oriented programming language; Object oriented programing; History of object oriented programming; Object Oriented Programming; Principles of OOP; Object-oriented Programming; Object-Oriented Software Engineering; Object decoupling; Object-oriented computing; Criticism of object-oriented programming; Object-oriented programming languages; OOSE; Dot notation (object-oriented programming); Object-oriented programming system; Object-oriented design patterns; Object-oriented software engineering; Formal semantics of object-oriented languages
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. High–minded and process–oriented, in the Mugwump tradition that runs from Adlai Stevenson to Bill Bradley, it is pitched less to the Democratic Party‘s working–class base than to upscale professionals.
2. McCLELLAN: I think there‘s a perception out there on the part of the American people that Washington tends to get caught up in a lot of this parlor game and they tend to get caught up in all this babble, process–oriented stuff. I think the American people want us to stay focused on their priorities.